Field maple Acer campestre

Field maple


It is a deciduous tree reaching 15–20 m tall, with a trunk up to 80 cm in diameter, with finely fissured, often somewhat corky bark. The shoots are brown, with dark brown winter buds. The leaves are in opposite pairs, with five blunt, rounded lobes with a smooth margin.

Species Trees (Macrofanerophytes)
Living space Clean or mixed forest, Treeline
Size up to 20 m

Specialty habitat


Usually monoecious, the flowers are produced in spring at the same time as the leaves open, yellow-green, in erect clusters 4–6 cm across, and are insect-pollinated. The fruit is a samara with two winged achenes aligned at 180°, each achene is 8–10 mm wide, flat, with a 2 cm wing. It is found on deep and humus-rich limy ground. It tolerates drought, salty, shade and winter cold. It is also found on moist and flooded ground. The wood is light brown to reddish white, with clearly visible annuals. It is hardwood. Its structure is dense due to its slow growth.

Field maple

on the habitat Temenica

It blooms from March to May.

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