Peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus

Peregrine falcon


The peregrine falcon is a bird of prey from the family of falcons. The peregrine falcon is a medium-sized falcon with pointed wings and a short tail. It is extremely fast and is the fastest living creature on earth when it comes to dives (the highest measured speeds exceed 320 km / h). The maximum speed in a horizontal flight can exceed 200 km / h.

Species Bird
Living space Conifer forest, Deciduous forest, Field, Meadow
Size 34 - 58 cm
Weight 0,7 - 1 kg


The peregrine falcon has a wingspan of up to 1 m. As with many other birds of pray, males are smaller than females and weigh between 570 – 700 grams, while females can exceed one kilogram. On the upperside, the peregrine falcon is dark-grey, which is blackened in places, and on the underside it has brownish stripes on a white background. Chicks are more uniform in brown color on the underside, and this colour is dominant also on the uppersid. Colour schemes also differ according to the environment in which they live and are not always the same. Adult birds have yellow-trimmed dark eyes and lively yellow claws with which they grab their prey. The peregrine falcon is one of the most widespread birds of pray in the world. It is found almost everywhere, even on the Pacific Islands. Its living spaces include open landscapes, steps, bright forests with fewer trees, tundra and mountainous regions. Those birds that live in the extreme north or south often travel long distances and winter in a warmer environment.

Peregrine falcon

on the habitat Temenica

It can be seen year-round, but its presence is more likely in the summer months.

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