Želodar – Curculio venosus Curculio venosus

Želodar – Curculio venosus


The adult beetle grows 7 to 9 mm in length. It appears from May to August.

Species Insect
Living space Deciduous forest
Size 7-9 mm


The snout is very thin. Slightly shorter in males, longer than elytres in females. The entire upper surface of the body is covered with lighter and darker brown hairs. In summer, the female with a snout drills a hole in the immature acorn and lays 1 to 2 eggs in it. The larva feeds on the contents of the acorn, and when the acorn falls to the ground, the larva bites the acorn to freedom. It spends the winter in the ground, where it sprouts the following spring. It appears in oak forests.

Želodar – Curculio venosus

on the habitat Temenica



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