Lucerne bug Adelphocoris lineolatus

Lucerne bug


Specimen sizes range from 7.6 to 8.3 mm. Their antennae are usually the same length as their body or slightly shorter. The color of the lid is from light green to pale brown. The nymphs are green and have red eyes.

Species Insect
Living space Field, Meadow
Size 7,6-8,3 mm


At the end of July, an individual female can lay up to 300 eggs in the stems of the host plant, which is the most common alfalfa. By feeding on the reproductive and vegetative organs of host plants, they cause stunted growth and deformation of flowers, fruits and leaves. Both adult specimens and nymphs can cause significant economic damage to host plants. It lives in humid environments with lower temperatures. It also oppears in a drier environment in fields and meadows.

Lucerne bug

on the habitat Temenica

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