Parent bug Elasmucha grisea

Parent bug


It measures 6 to 9 mm in length. The body is gray-green or red with a strong black dotted top.

Species Insect
Living space Bush crowns, Deciduous forest, Meadow, Treeline
Size from 6 to 9 mm


It occurs along the edges of forests, also in other places; common on birches. It shows a highly developed and truly unusual care for the offspring. It lays its eggs in June on the underside of birch leaves. The female stays with the eggs and sits on them and protects them from dangers. When the pups hatch it is still with them and after 1 day when they first lay they go to their first meal of food for the female in goose order. The goal is a ripe birch fruit.

Parent bug

on the habitat Temenica

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