The Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus

The Sedge Warbler


The sedge warbler has a habit of singing when in flight. It is a bird that is active during the daytime and it nests here in May and June.

Species Bird
Living space Lake, Rivers, Swamp
Size 11.5 - 13 cm
Weight 12 grams


They have brownish or greyish white stripes and a dark stripe running across their eyes and the top of their heads are also dark. Their throats and breasts are dirty white and their hips are light brown along with the bases of their tails. Their tails and the upper sides of their tails are cinnamon brown, their backs are grayish brown, and their wings are dark and light brown with stripes. Their wingspans range from 17 to 21 cm. The sedge warblers live among the reeds and stands of forest stands or sedges by rivers and lakes or in swamps. The sedge warbler is a migrant bird that winters in Africa, south of the Sahara. They leave in autumn, September or October, and return to us with the arrival of spring.

The Sedge Warbler

on the habitat Temenica

It is present in the habitat from April until the end of October.

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